Buddhist Wedding Traditions include a blessing for the happy couple. There is no set wedding service in the Buddhist faith, as the Buddha (founder of the religion) did not consider marriage to be a sacred ceremony. Instead, marriage is considered a social rather than religious occasion.
The Buddha stated only that marriage should be based on deep mutual respect between partners and that it should be a partnership of equals. Buddhists can marry anyone from any religion and their union should be a harmonious blend of the differing strengths and abilities of the man and woman.
As there is no set format, the wedding is usually influenced by the customs of the country in which it is taking place. Some couples choose to have a Buddhist blessing in a temple after their civil ceremony.
Buddhists can get married at any time, depending on the hours of the chosen register office or temple. There are no days on which it is forbidden for Buddhists to marry. However, all Buddhists should know the Buddha’s teachings on the mutual obligations and duties of a husband and a wife. There are no forms to fill in either – these will be dealt with at the register office.
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