A Thai Buddhist Blessing for foreigner is a wonderful way to refresh a marriage or begin a new. We offer a most memorable Thailand Buddhist Blessing with the preparations of offering packages inside the temple to begin by prayers and chanting by the Monks in the afternoon.
We then do the lighting of the candles and incense. You will then be seated directly in front of the Buddhist Monks, where you will receive the blessing of the head monk. The Monks will begin chanting, beautiful Buddhist chants, echoing throughout the temple.
After the chanting you then join hands in pouring the holy water from a small bottle into a bronze bowl that you give to the head Monk and will receive the holy water sprinkled lightly all over your body.You will then give the Monks simple offerings to be blessed, and prayers will be said for you and all your family and friends.
NOTE: Buddhism is as much a philosophy as it is a religion. The open-minded nature of the faith allows the Monks to perform wedding rituals for those who know little about it. Even those who have never practiced Buddhism, but keep in mind unlike many traditional wedding ceremonies of the west, there is no kissing allowed inside the temple, and in front of the Monks, at the closing of the ceremony.
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